Voicemail! 4’s everywhere’s recent track voicemail storming online. This trap music contains love-hate everything. The song’s music contains flute and soft beats that’s why the lyrics blend in too well. Trap music’s instrumental part is very important to blend in the lyrics and there come 4’s everywhere they are the perfectionist in this.
Check out 4’s everywhere on
“That’s enough,
My girl know I’m the plug,
For anyone,
You testing yo luck,
I’ll get it done”
The man who can get anything anytime to get the job done. That’s the confidence every man should have. He doesn’t fear, he doesn’t run away. The lyrical pronunciation was so good that anyone can understand the dark meanings of the song by listening one time.
“I’m riding solo and you ride wit the troop”
The last line of the song represents that he is good at being alone in life he didn’t need anyone. The best line to finish a song. The song is SoundCloud exclusive. The song is produced independently in-home studio setup by 4’s everywhere.
this song is such a bop at Night and during the day.
Just love this one 🔥🔥🔥
I will never be bored of this song.
Lit music my friend 🔥
Hardd 💥💥