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Home » Benny Okoto -Interview [July 2022]

Benny Okoto -Interview [July 2022]

The Hip-hop genre has an enormous fanbase and the music and artist are also significant in number but among them, Benny Okoto is a popular name. He is a rising star in the music industry. We were grateful enough to have him and he answered some of our questions and tells us about his journey in the music industry and give hints about his vision for the future. So stay with us till the end and learn about the rising star of the music industry.

  • What are your legal name and your artist name?
  • Benny Okoto.
  • Where are you from and where are you currently based?
  • Raleigh, North Carolina.
  • What is it about music that makes you feel passionate?
  • The sonics and when the lyrics of the song can represent a timestamp in life or get you through difficult times.
  • Are there any musicians who inspire you? What qualities do you admire about them?
  • Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco, Jay-Z, Fleetwood Mac (Stevie Nicks), Lil Wayne, Pink Floyd, Whitney Houston. There’s more I listen to a wide array of artists, bands, and musicians and pull from it all. Their authenticity to themselves and dedication to their craft is the reason why I do what I do now. Jay’s and Wayne’s confidence and presence on a track whenever you heard what they released you could feel it it almost teetered on the edge of arrogance but you need that if you make hip-hop/rap music. Ye’s ingenuity, creativity, bravado, and production. Lupe’s intricacy in verses rhyme, metaphors, and similes. Fleetwood Mac and Pink Floyd are the sonics really. Whitney’s voice and vocal range were just so pure don’t think we’ll see another like her for real.
  • Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of music?
  • Yea I play sports like soccer (soccer is my favorite) and basketball in my spare time. I also program in many different languages HTML, CSS, Javascript, C/C++, Java, Kotlin, etc as well as develop apps and software. I have familiarity with hardware (microcontrollers) such as the Texas Instruments MSP series and Arduino. Not too good at working with these but would love to work on more projects with them in the future. I love the computer and technology so anything related to this realm I thoroughly enjoy. Also, cinematography, photography, and videography are interests of mine. Physical art such as painting and sculptures, and surrealism has always been my favorite style.
  • Describe your creative process when you write new music
  • Really depends on how I’m feeling, what the song may require, how the instrumentation is structured, or what feeling I want to convey. It’s ever-changing really, never set.
  • Which qualities do you think to make a musician great?
  • Can your music get someone through difficult times? Can your music be the soundtrack to someone’s night, day, year, or life? Can your music be the point of access to memories both good and bad? I think that’s what makes a musician great.
  • Have you ever participated in any music competitions? Did you win any prizes?
  • Nah, not really.
  • What is your most recent song? 
  • “Private Dance” is my recent song the genre of the song is hip-hop & rap.

  • What is your favorite song you’ve made?
  • My favorite is” Ever Told”.

  • Do you have any weaknesses that you’re actively working to improve on?
  • The recording process. I want to get to and complete an idea quicker.
  • Who would you most like to collaborate with?
  • I want to collaborate with “Cleo Sol”.
  • What is one message you would give to your fans?
  • Thanks to anyone and everyone that has ever pressed play on one of my tracks, means more than you know. More coming stay tuned.

Check Out Benny Okoto

Thank you very much Benny Okoto for sharing the experience of your music carrier and we wish you to be more successful ahead. And of course, everyone feels free to listen to him and it’s guaranteed that you are going to be a fan of him. Once again thank you very much Benny Okoto.

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2 years ago

Love the way the answered 👀👀

2 years ago


2 years ago

Love it Sm 😍

2 years ago

Just peeped his Album review, that was great …but yeah let me know when it will be out

2 years ago


2 years ago

this is hard asl. Just gives motivation

2 years ago

Love the read 💗💜

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